400 S. Santa Fe, Salina, KS 67401

Andy Thompson - The Business of Healthcare for New Physicians: A primer

This presentation was hosted by Sunflower Careers for the Rural Medicine Interest Group (RMIG) at the KU School of Medicine on April 21st, 2016. In this presentation, Andy discusses trends in physician employment models, job search tips, contracting and compensation.

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Sunflower Careers

Sunflower Careers provides healthcare recruitment resources and services to the members of the Sunflower Health Network which in includes 17 hospitals and organizations in Kansas.

Our professional team is here to help you. Let us know the type of position, the facility or community you are looking for and we will keep you informed when something is available through the Sunflower Health Network. For more information contact Heather Fuller today at 785-452-6102.

Sunflower Health Network
College & High School Resources
Information about healthcare careers and resources available for education. learn more
Sunflower Careers Newsletter
See what's in the Summer 2014 newsletter for Sunflower Careers.
• Welcome Dr. McWilliams
• Osborne's Dr. Brown Awarded 2014 Preceptor of the Year
(click here)